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Search Results - genetics

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Development of genetically engineered probes for calcium sensing and manipulation
Calcium levels in cells have critical functions. Moreover, calcium signaling plays a crucial role in the control of neuronal function and plasticity. Consequently, calcium sensing dysfunction can lead to a variety of pathological conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease or neuromuscular disorders such as Dystonia. Changes in neuronal Ca2+ concentration...
Published: 3/4/2024   |   Inventor(s): Venkat Venkataraman, Anuradha Krishnan, Jeffrey Viviano, Jingyi Zhang
Keywords(s): Alzheimer's, Calcium, Genetics, Neurology, Neuromuscular
Category(s): Human Health Care > Therapeutics
Neuronal calcium sensor proteins as potential therapeutic targets in circadian rhythm and sleep disorders
Sleep health and sleep disorders are major problems. In the US, an estimated 1/3rd of adults and 2/3rds of highschool aged young adults do not get the recommended amount of sleep. Lack of sleep and poor sleep hygiene is associated with a number of health problems. These include obesity, depression, and cardiovascular disease. Additionally, specific...
Published: 3/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): Venkat Venkataraman
Keywords(s): Circadium, Genetics, Sleep, Therapeutic
Category(s): Human Health Care > Therapeutics