A Method for Detecting Radiological Progression in Cancer Surveillance
Diagnostic medical imaging technologies such as Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are noninvasive procedures used to acquire high-resolution images of organs/tissues in the body. These technologies provide valuable information for identifying tissue damage, disease diagnosis, and delivery of radiation therapy. Both of these...
Published: 12/9/2024
Inventor(s): Nidhal Bouaynaya, Ghulam Rasool
Keywords(s): Cancer, Imaging, Machine Learning, MRI, Quantification, Radiology, Software, Surveillance
Category(s): Software, Human Health Care > Biomarkers, Diagnosis and Detection
Artificial Intelligent Readings of Imaging Data for Coronary Artery Disease
Health care spending in the United States accounts for nearly 20% of the gross domestic product. In the changing health care environment, health systems, hospitals, and health care providers must focus on improving efficiency to meet an increasing demand for high-quality, low-cost health care. In response to this growing need to reduce costs, application...
Published: 12/9/2024
Inventor(s): Bo Sun
Keywords(s): Assesments, Cardiology, Diagnostics, Heart Disease, Imaging, Software, Surgery
Category(s): Software
Example Marketing Project on Tech Publisher
This is an Example Marketing Project created for testing on the Technology Publisher site. Inteum development work in process. Please contract Theile Riordan at triordan@inteum.com with any questions.Featured Example
Published: 6/26/2019
Keywords(s): Software
Category(s): Research Tools