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Search Results - neurological+disorders

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Novel hasubanan-based analgesics
There are three main medication alternatives for use in treating opioid addiction; methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone which can be used separately or in combination (e.g., buprenorphine and naltrexone). All three medications are FDA approved and can reduce opioid cravings helping to sever the ties between opioid use and situational/emotional triggers....
Published: 12/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Thomas Keck, Gustavo Moura-Letts
Keywords(s): Addiction, Neurological disorders, Therapeutic
Category(s): Human Health Care > Therapeutics
Neuron Foundry
More than a billion people worldwide suffer from some form of a neurological disorder such as Alzheimer's (AD), Parkinson's (PD), multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, stroke, or autism. These conditions result in more than 7 million deaths, with associated costs exceeding $1.5 trillion per year. PD is a neurodegenerative disease that causes severe...
Published: 12/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Charles McGlynn
Keywords(s): Light Energy, Microwave, Neurological disorders, Therapeutic
Category(s): Engineering, Human Health Care > Therapeutics