Energy Fishing using Moving Wind Turbine System
Offshore wind turbines are typically fixed devices anchored to the seabed by a foundation. The advantages of a floating offshore system (economic, reusable, deeper water depths) as compared to fixed structures have resulted in increased interest in floating technologies. The major type of floating wind systems in use today are semisubmersible and concrete...
Published: 12/9/2024
Inventor(s): Hooman Ghasemi
Keywords(s): Green, sustainability
Category(s): Engineering, Environment, Other
Combinatorial damage detection using UAVs and CT scan robots
Bridge inspections are normally conducted visually (e.g., naked eye) in conjunction with instrumentation. These techniques are limited in scope in that certain areas of the structure are inaccessible, place workers at risk when attempting to reach these hard to access areas, and may require bridges to be shut down during inspections causing commuter...
Published: 12/9/2024
Inventor(s): Hooman Ghasemi, Rahele Barjeste Vaezi, Yasaman Norouzi
Category(s): Engineering
A Vector-Based Structural Safety Measure
Building collapse is a common phenomenon associated with multiple disasters, including those caused by natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, and landslides, as well as technological hazards such as sub-standard construction and maintenance practices. Over the past 50 years, there have been 181 building collapse disasters in 51 nations,...
Published: 12/9/2024
Inventor(s): Hooman Ghasemi
Keywords(s): Collapse, construction, Infrastructure, Safety
Category(s): Engineering, Software