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A new serum-based diagnostic for the detection of substance abuse and other addictive disorders


The proposed technology is a novel approach to a serum biomarker for substance abuse disorder based on the positive correlation between plasma S100B protein levels and addiction. It is proposed that the expression levels of the S100B protein will serve as an indicator of the process of addiction and decision-making. The changes may be detectable in the body fluids – such as, serum, plasma, urine, saliva – or at the tissue/cellular levels that would have to be detected by tissue biopsy. It has further been shown that S100B physically associates with two proteins that are involved in the neuronal calcium sensor. This suggests that S100B could play a role in neurotransmission between brain cells, the neurobiological correlate of learning and decision making.


Potential Application

The proposed diagnostic application could be administered as an evidence-based point-of-care test that could be given in hospitals and addiction clinics to individuals at-risk for substance abuse. It could also be given prior to treatment with a Schedule II-V drug that has addictive potential but also a well characterized medical use. The diagnostic test would also serve clinicians involved in pain management who dispense opioids as part of their treatment algorithm. These clinicians could use the diagnostic test to inform treatment decisions and decrease risk of substance abuse of pain medications.



The global substance abuse and addiction treatment market reached $3.1 billion in 2016 and should reach nearly $4.4 billion in 2021, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.0%. The global market for substance abuse treatment, by abuse type is segmented into alcohol dependence, tobacco/nicotine addiction, and drug abuse. The drug abuse segment is anticipated to hold the largest market share owing to the increasing addiction of opioid.


Rowan University is looking for a partner for further development and commercialization of this technology through a license.


Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Methods of Monitoring Drug Addiction US Provisional United States 62/841,614   5/1/2019   5/1/2020 Filed
For Information, Contact:
Yatin Karpe
Rowan University
Venkat Venkataraman
Richard Jermyn
Robert Steer
Substance Abuse